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15 September 2021 - 16 December 2021
Matcher Green Deal Edition 2021


Matcher Brokerage event open to the whole international ecosystem

BIG.MATCH is a brokerage event on the Green Deal topic aimed at creating business matchmaking among actors of the innovation ecosystem and it has been held on this platform on December 16th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. CET. It has been open at the international level to:

  • Match.Point participants (corporates and start-ups/scale-ups)
  • Accelerators & Incubators
  • Innovation related Associations & Agencies
  • Innovation clusters
  • Companies, start-ups/scale-ups interested in the Green Deal topics
  • Innovation laboratory 
  • Public Institutions & Authorities  
  • R&D Institutions & Research Centers
  • Universities
  • Venture Capitals & Business Angel  
  • Any other actor interested in innovation related to Green Deal topics

Each interested actor has been able to apply for participating in this event from October 27th until December 15th, 2021 at 6 p.m. CET

BIG.MATCH has been a unique occasion to meet strategic partners and important actors of the Green economy international innovation ecosystem. The event has given the possibility to meet them and to start a collaboration with them, helping the participants reaching their sustainable objectives.

How it worked

1) Registration

Register via the Register button and complete the application form. Profiles should describe who you are, what you can offer, how you are matching with the program topics and what you are looking for (for this, please, use the marketplace function). A detailed and good profile will increase your visibility on the platform and generate significantly more meeting requests. Thus, the more information you share, the better.
When registering, you will be asked to give your availabilities for specific time slots: the broader your availabilities, the higher the chance that you will be able to schedule meetings.

    Please, note that the application process is divided in two mandatory steps

    1. sign up to the platform and fill in the information about your company;
    2. create at least one announcement on the Marketplace about your objective for the event (e.g., what you are looking for, what you could offer, …). Remember to clearly state the connection of your posts with the Green Deal/sustainable topic.

    Registrations has been open until December 15th at 6 p.m. CET.

      2) Admission

      Matcher staff will receive your application and check whether your profile is complete (Marketplace included) and coherent the Green Deal main topic. If your profile is suitable to the Matcher themes and your company/entity is based in one of the EEN countries, you will be admitted to the program and your profile will be activated and visible to the other participants. You will receive a notification upon admission.

      3) Browse profiles of potential matches

      After being admitted, you will be able to look for potential matches by browsing the Participants page on the platform. We do suggest you to continuously scout for new partners, as new entities will apply day after day.

      4) Book and schedule meetings from December 1st 

      From December 1st you will be able to chat, request and schedule meetings on the platform. Depending on your availability and on the other participants' ones you could schedule up to 12 meetings of 30 mins each. Remember that all the scheduled meetings will take place on the 16th of December from 9 to 15 CET.

      5) Participate in the meetings

      By accessing the page Meetings, you have the list of all your meetings (accepted, pending, or canceled). You will also be able to invite some guests (e.g. your colleagues) by sharing the link to the call. Check your camera and microphone, and when it's time start the meeting. Don't be late! 

        Technical requirements for Virtual meetings

        The virtual meetings take place through the b2match video tool, which is integrated in the b2match platform and it doesn’t need to/it can't be downloaded.

        Use a device with an incorporated webcam or a webcam. Without the camera, the meeting can still take place in the audio mode.

        Microphone and camera

        You can test your microphone and camera in your Meetings list, once you are logged in to your b2match profile. In order to do this, you need to click the blue Camera and microphone test and follow the instructions.

        If there are issues, the system will indicate the browser's documentation's regarding the microphone and camera usage

        Additionally, you can do the following checks:

        • test your microphone with other apps, such as Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, etc. 
        • run Twilio's network test, which will start an automatic diagnosis to check if Twilio has permission to use your microphone and camera
          •  Twilio is the name of the software we use for online meetings 

        6) Matchmaking feedback

        After every meeting takes place, always remember to give your feedback by filling 2 questionnaires:

        1. Meeting ratings: go to your profile and click on Feedback on the left menu and rate every meeting you attended. You will be asked to express a simple rating about the meeting and to leave a comment about its outcomes.
        2. BIG.MATCH feedback: submit your feedback about the whole Brokerage event, stating your experience and giving some useful comments about aspects that could be improved (a custom link will be shared at the end of the event).

        Your support for the program evaluation is extremely valuable to us, as it will help us ameliorate our work for the next edition.

        Happy matchmaking!

        Closed since 16 December 2021
        Organised by
        Participants 229
        Meetings 265
        Italy 123
        United States 17
        Spain 15
        United Kingdom 11
        Romania 8
        Greece 8
        Germany 6
        France 5
        Türkiye 4
        Israel 3
        Netherlands 3
        Slovakia 3
        Ukraine 3
        Canada 3
        North Macedonia 3
        Portugal 2
        Lithuania 2
        Austria 2
        Slovenia 2
        India 2
        Russia 2
        Belgium 2
        Poland 2
        Bulgaria 1
        Australia 1
        Singapore 1
        Malta 1
        Serbia 1
        Hungary 1
        Czech Republic 1
        Finland 1
        New Zealand 1
        Luxembourg 1
        Switzerland 1
        Estonia 1
        Total 243
        Startup / Scaleup 117
        Company 56
        Emilia-Romagna corporate 18
        Cluster 9
        Association / Agency 8
        University 6
        Other 5
        R&D Institution/ Research Center 5
        Accelerator / Incubator 3
        Venture Capital / Business Angel 2
        Laboratory 1
        Public Institution/ Authority 1
        Total 231
        Profile views
        Before event 8986
        After event 492
        Total 9478